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02-22-2005, 12:13 AM

Ovulation Calendar is an effective software aid for any woman who either desires a pregnancy or wishes to prevent one. It can help you specify the gender of your baby and her zodiac sign.

Ovulation Calendar Features:
- Get your personal fertility chart
- Improve your chances of getting pregnant
- Avoid an unwanted pregnancy
- Predict the baby's zodiac sign
- Calculate your baby's estimated due date
- Choose the gender of your baby

Designed by a woman in consultation with women physicians, Ovulation Calendar is a program that calculates the time of ovulation and generates your personal fertility calendar. Simply enter the length of your menstrual cycle and the date of your last period, and Ovulation Calendar will calculate your fertile days. The results are presented as a color-coded calendar showing your fertile and non-fertile periods.

Ovulation Calendar helps you become pregnant
You are most fertile when you are ovulating, so knowing your time of ovulation will help you determine the best days to conceive. Ovulation Calendar calculates the probability of conception based on your ovulation time and other factors such as lifespan of the egg and sperm; and shows you the days that are most promising for conception.

Ovulation Calendar allows you to choose the gender of your baby
You can increase your chances of having a boy or a girl by choosing the right time for intercourse. Sperm carrying X-chromosomes lives longer and swims slower than male Y-carrying sperm. Therefore, if you have intercourse about 3 days prior to ovulation, you have a better chance of conceiving a girl; and the closer to ovulation you have sex, the better the chances are of having a boy. Ovulation Calendar helps you calculate the perfect time for conception, increasing your chances of conceiving a boy or a girl.

Ovulation Calendar helps you avoid pregnancy
The natural way to avoid unwanted pregnancy is to abstain from unprotected intercourse during your fertile days. The most fertile time is the day of ovulation. Ovulation Calendar calculates the unsafe days taking into account possible variations in your menstrual cycle, helping you avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

Ovulation Calendar always keeps you informed of your fertility
The program sits in the Windows tray, near the clock, and reminds you of important changes in your fertility. For example, you can configure Ovulation Calendar to show pop-up reminders on the days that are optimal for conceiving a baby boy.

Ovulation Calendar is very easy to use
You don't have to know anything about corpus luteum, progesterone levels, or LH surges – Ovulation Calendar does all this work for you. All you need to know to get started is the length of your menstrual cycle and the date of your last period. Simply enter these data and Ovulation Calendar will do the rest!



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04-23-2005, 04:20 AM
Khong hieu gi ca

06-23-2005, 11:17 PM
bac noi dung khong do, toi thi toi nghi ba cai vu nay lam, khong khoa hoc gi rao, ap dung vao ma khong co hoi sua lai dau

07-18-2005, 08:18 AM
tui thấy di truyền cũng là 1 yếu tố đo'
tui áp dung va thành công đó
Họ hàng gia đình nhà tui đều sinh 2 người con gái đầu lòng mới sinh được con trai
Đến lượt tui thì sinh 1 đứa con gái đầu lòng,đến khi vợ chửa đứa thứ 2 thì tui bảo vợ tui phá thai thế là lần sau sinh con trai liền

08-20-2005, 11:33 AM
Tôi thấy cái topic này hay đó. Để thử nghiệm và chiêm nghiệm xem sao.